meta-pixelTo prevent drowsiness before a trip, the driver should
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To prevent drowsiness before a trip, the driver should

1. schedule trips during the daytime hours.

2. get 8-9 hours of sleep.

3. avoid medications that cause drowsiness.

4. do all of the above.

Answer: do all of the above.

Sleep debt is a dangerous condition in which missing sleep adds up and you risk falling asleep at the wheel until you are fully rested. People are often surprised when they find out that getting less than six hours of sleep per night triples your risk of accident. To prevent drowsiness before a trip, the driver should get adequate sleep (adults need 8 to 9 hours to maintain alertness); prepare route carefully to identify total distance, stopping points and other logistic considerations; schedule trips for the hours you are normally awake, not the middle of the night; drive with a passenger; avoid medications that cause drowsiness; consult your physician if you suffer from daytime sleepiness, have difficulty sleeping at night or take frequent naps; incorporate exercise into your daily life to give you more energy.
This question is in Section 1: General Knowledge of our CDL Test Guide. Explore now!

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